About Our Church

Welcome to the Cotulla Church of Christ - a place where faith and community come together. Discover our unique worship practices, our commitment to nurturing faith journeys, and the warmth of our church family. Learn more about who we are, what we believe, and how we're here to support you on your spiritual path.

Our Congregation

Nestled in the heart of our close-knit small town community, we are a congregation of friendly and welcoming individuals who come together to worship, learn, and grow in faith. We place a strong emphasis on the study of Scripture, as we believe it provides us with the guidance and wisdom we need to navigate life’s journey. Our mission is not just to read the Word, but to live it out in our daily lives. We strive to be a loving and supportive community, dedicated to making a positive impact on our town and beyond. Whether you’re a long-time member or a first-time visitor, we invite you to join us on our spiritual journey and experience the warmth and camaraderie that defines our church family.

Our Beliefs & Values

Our beliefs are the cornerstone of our community. These principles guide our faith and shape our journey together. Explore what we hold dear and how our faith informs our actions.


We believe in the unity of all believers, as we strive to create a harmonious and supportive community where diverse perspectives are embraced, and we stand together as one in our shared faith.


Freedom in Christ is fundamental to our beliefs. We cherish the liberty to seek our own spiritual path while respecting the individual choices of others, fostering an atmosphere of understanding and grace.


Love is at the heart of our faith. We are committed to practicing Christ’s love by caring for one another, our neighbors, and the world, creating a compassionate and welcoming environment.


Our belief in salvation is central to our faith. Through Christ, we find the hope and redemption that transforms our lives, and we’re dedicated to sharing this message of grace with all who seek it.


Our faith extends to eternity, emphasizing the importance of our eternal relationship with God. We find comfort and purpose in the knowledge that our journey with Him transcends this earthly life.

Our Preacher

Meet our dedicated preacher, whose impressive experience and steadfast commitment to our church community drive our mission and vision forward.

David Templeton

David Templeton

His inspiring sermons and unwavering commitment to faith provide spiritual guidance and inspiration to our congregation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you use instruments during worship services?

We maintain the practice of not including instrumental music during our services out of respect for all our members, recognizing that this issue can be sensitive within our church community. Our worship is focused on the beauty of vocal praise and unity in faith.

Do you partake in communion? If so, how often?

We gather as a congregation to partake in communion every Sunday morning. A sacred moment of reflection and connection with the teachings of Christ, this ritual serves as a reminder of His love and sacrifice, and we welcome all to join us in this meaningful practice.